Lugar onde tantas e tão diversas belezas naturais se reúnem – mares e montanhas, florestas e cachoeiras, praias e ilhas – numa baía perfeita para navegar, mergulhar ou apenas relaxar com sua mansidão.
Estar em Paraty, seja permanente ou por temporada, é não precisar usar carro, é usar roupas leves e despretensiosas, ter programação cultural variada, encontrar pessoas novas e familiares nos lugares preferidos de sempre.

A place where art, nature, and simplicity coexist harmoniously with cultural diversity.

Of course, not everything is perfect. Depending economically on Paraty can still be a bit complicated, which is why it is advisable to have income that is independent of the city’s seasonality. The local healthcare system is not well-equipped, and we still do not have sewage treatment. In terms of safety, it is still a peaceful city, where one can enjoy a pleasant evening walk without worry.

Although we do not have higher education, the elementary and high schools are reasonable, and there are several options for extracurricular and cultural activities. In short, it has its flaws, but none serious enough to compromise its qualities.

After all, it can be considered a privilege to live in Paraty, as its natural and human characteristics provide a happier life.